By Singers For Singers

How to MusicTheatre from the Operatic Stage

Chanteuse/Singer, Actor, Writer, Speaker, Voice Teacher, and Speaking Coach --- Susan Eichhorn Young is "all things voice" and she is bringing her expertise in dual genres to bear in special, women-only workshops for female opera singers who want to learn how to expand their careers into musical theatre.  You can join her Facebook group for Q&A, discussion, and live videos, and get on her mailing list for updates on the next workshop. 

The Enterprising Musician's Guide to Performer Contracts

Singer, attorney, and music professor David Williams works with singers to help them understand, negotiate, and troubleshoot contracts. His new book designed to offer plain-language interpretations of contractual legalese is a must-have for any working artist's bookshelf. Buy it here

Singer's Practice Plan, Log, and Journal: A Planner for Singing Students

Practice journals are wonderful organization tools for professional singers and students alike. Voice teacher Nancy Bos has created an attractive and well-organized planner, complete with monthly and weekly calendars,  repertoire logs, weekly practice logs and journals, and even some blank music paper for scribbling down that cadenza you keep trying to remember. Get yours here

Nicholas Palleson

Baritone and mental performance consultant Nicholas Pallesen has made it his mission to help artists get "out of their heads and into their lives". Via 1:1 sessions and workshops, he coaches singers on a variety of topics including overcoming performance anxiety and achieving your goals with less angst and effort. 

Michelle's Embellishments

Soprano Michelle Trovato's enterprising side hustle involves creating luxurious handmade capelets, blingy belts, faux fur headbands and scarves, feather collars, hair accessories, and beautiful sleeves for sleeveless dresses --- everything a diva needs to kick it up a notch. She went the extra mile to handcraft a gorgeous teal faux fur wrap for me, and I love it!

Dan Kempson

One baritonal blogger you ought to be following is Dan Kempson. He's a smart writer who frequently addresses important industry issues, like sexual assault and how the ascendancy of YAPs is killing the business. His website blog isn't live yet, but you can find his writings on Medium --- and he gets a lot of Facebook shares, too!