March 10, 6 p.m. EST: Mid-Atlantic NATS Auditions Round Table

Cindy represents Spotlight on Opera, joining Stacey Trenteseaux (IPAI), Sarah B. Halley (AIMS), and Ariel Strasser (Artsbridge), to discuss auditions from the perspective of YAP producers. This event is part of the Mid-Atlantic NATS 2021 Conference. It is free to students of NATS members.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
6 p.m. EST

Register for conference participation here.

Attend the Audition panel via Zoom.

Meeting ID: 990 8898 7775
Passcode: 469394

The conference also offers an array of fascinating lectures, some of which have already taken place, and can be accessed as follows:

The Gullah Geechee Cultural Origins of the Negro Spirituals, Dr. Eric Crawford

African American Spirituals: Voices Old and New, Dr. Bianca Jackson and Prof. Gregory Gardner

From the Black Church to the Opera Stage, Dr. Lori Hicks