Pay What You Can for Entrepreneurship and Mentorship Sessions

“Like many other singers, I came into this program feeling unmotivated and unsure about my future as a young artist. This program has given me valuable feedback and a renewed sense of passion towards my career..” - Natalie Bodkin, soprano, DIY SUmmer Program

“This program created solace in a time of chaos, and allowed me to be challenged, supported, and grow immensely as a person and artist.” Hailey Cohen, mezzo-soprano, DIY Summer Program

Mentorship and entrepreneurship sessions are key components of Cindy’s DIY program. Community is more important now than ever. Inspired by the students and their desire to continue the work they began in summer 2020, Cindy has created two ongoing opportunities for guidance, education, support, and accountability .

The Business of Singing Webinar - a biweekly entrepreneurship class focusing on nuts-and-bolts issues of building a brand and marketing tools and navigating the classical singing industry.

Emerald Mentorship Group - a monthly meeting to work on special projects from the business side.

Both trainings begin Sunday, August 9 and run for five meetings each.

Pay what you can - limited to 15 people per class.